Applying Super Therm® with an airless sprayer

The following is a guide
Super Therm® application instructions
Changes in pressures and tip sizes may by needed for proper spray characteristics. Any reduction must be compatible with the existing environmental and application conditions. Refer to product application instructions for detailed application information.
Super Therm® can be applied by brush, roller or spray, however, the preferred method is by air or airless sprayer. It should never be applied directly over rust, nor should it ever be diluted or thinned.

Super Therm®* Airless .029” – .033”
SPI recommend the Graco RAC X SwitchTip 633
The Reverse-A-Clean (RAC) 633 RAC X SwitchTip produces a 12 to 14 inch fan and has a 0.031 inch orifice or 0.033 inch orifice. Reverse the SwitchTip to easily clear clogs.
Graco or Binks – 10 horse power (Model 10000 pumps 2.5 gal/min at 3000 psi)
*Remove filters from spray equipment and spray guns before spraying coatings containing ceramics
NEOtech Coatings Australia utilise:
- Petrol: Graco GMAX II 7900 HD Airless Sprayer – for the 3500psi power, can run a 45 metre hose – Remove all filters
- Electric: TexSpray Mark V Standard Series Electric Airless Sprayer – 30 metres of hose at 2400psi (machine’s maximum) – Remove all filters

On the attached sheet (pdf) it states for applying Super Therm® the tip size is 029” to 033”. We have used 025” (525 tip and fan) and as low as 521” this depends on the area the coatings needs to be applied.
To achieve proper thickness, temperature and humidity must be considered by the applicator.
- DO NOT DILUTE: Apply as supplied, stir pail thoroughly for 4 minutes
- Spread rate = 40-45m2 per pail – or 2.5m2 per litre (pail is 5 US gallons/ or 18.9 litres)
- Pressure clean substrate, no oils, salts, peeling paint, mould or corrosion. Corrosion will come through if not treated
- Ensure everything is 100% dry!
- Apply low wind days if airless with 50% overlap or 2 coats by brush or roller
- Apply thick and liberally to 425 microns wet / 250 microns dry (apply thick) dries to the thickness of a business card
- Water based and safe, clean up instantly on spillage, very strong bonding agent
- Low VOC but when spraying wear a mask
- Store cool. Place lid on pail if not applying
- Comes in egg shell white, can be tinted however there’s a loss of efficiency.
- See SDS for full Manufacturer application instructions.
Note: The number of application and the thickness of each should be in accordance with the job specifications.
Note: All filters should be removed from both the gun handle and spray machine prior to application, as they will trap the ceramics.
Note: Temperatures must always be a minimum of 5° above the due point during application.
Rain and Dew
Moisture will cause problems if Super Therm® hasn’t had enough time to begin curing.
In high dew environments allow for a minimum of 4 hours in the sun for Super Therm® to begin curing. Clients have experienced heavy dew near coastal locations which Super Therm® hasn’t reached a level of curing and the coating has run and washed off. If the coating does run you will need to clean off instantly as not to cause damage. The surface will need to be cleaned off fully, dried and reapplied.
When Super Therm® hasn’t started to set and dew or rain causes pooling of water it will take longer for the coating to dry and may run.
If Super Therm® is applied during a period of extremely high humidity or if there is rain soon after the application, bubbles may appear on the surface. Do not puncture these bubbles. This is normal and the coating will continue to cure with no effect on the performance or appearance of the coating. Bubbles will dry down tight and disappear without a trace or imprint.
Note: Roofs with corrugations
- 2″ corrugation = roof size x 120%
- 2.5″ corrugation = roof size x 130%
- 3″ corrugation = roof size x 145%
Removal of Super Therm
When wet: Wipe Super Therm off with a rag to clean but it can smear.
When dry: As Super Therm is a water-based coating, most strippers for latex paints will soften after dwelling time and Super Therm can be scrapped off. It is also recommended you soak a thick cloth in Xylene or MEK and let it sit on the surface for 20 minutes, then remove.
Working as a team
When working on a roof we recommend using 3 people on site. 1st person on the gun doing the spraying, 2nd person holding the hose to take the weight of the 1st person and the 3rd person to mix the coating and look after the spray unit.
Super Therm® application instructions