The Science behind Super Therm® Ceramic Solar Heat Block Coating
Super Therm® has proven for 30 years it’s a high performance, innovative coating that guarantees to shield, block and protect you from the harsh Australian sun!
Just a single coat of Super Therm® ceramics thermal coating can block up to 96.1% of HEAT entering your structure caused by visual, ultra violet (UV) & infrared (IR) light which leaves only ambient temperature. It’s a spectacular 21st century solution reducing 20-50% in energy use (DOE)!
Best performance under the Australian sun!
Super Therm® the proven 21st century eco-friendly coating solving Australia’s energy efficiency challenges!
Did you know a 6° reduction in the thermostat produces a 39% reduction in utility costs Con Edison, NY.
Super Therm® is better heat block technology for Australia’s needs!

Energy efficiency is a major challenge for industry, government and home owners in Australia. One of the best yet least considered ways to manage energy costs is to reduce the heat load into a building. Super Therm® can do that and it will help you reduce your electricity costs from 10 to 40%. While solar will assist with offsetting electricity costs, Super Therm® will actually reduce electricity consumption and costs.
Reducing the initial heat load onto the exterior surface reduces the heat transferred to the interior meaning you will save big $$ on running air conditioners and improve your personal comfort. Super Therm® reduces peak cooling demand by 10-40%.
As summer temperatures and power prices keep rising in Australia, all businesses, industry, residents and governments are looking for long term heat management solutions to keep the heat out and reduce their power costs. Super Therm® has proven it can return your investment in 2-5 years then save you money thereafter.
Super Therm® is utilised by some of the world’s largest companies with thousands of dollars of savings in KW reduction. These company’s include Sony, Vodafone, Nissan and others with over 7.5 million sqm of Super Therm® covering Japan alone…along with the rest of the world enjoying our revolutionary coating since 1989.
Super Therm® is an energy efficient product and is the most highly advanced ceramic coating system available today with 95% heat block. The coating will perform under the harshest of conditions saving you valuable time and money thanks to a greatly reduced need for roof repair and/or replacement. The product literally extends of the life of roofs and structures.
Many people struggle to get their head around a coating as thick as a business card yet it’s 100% tested and proven! It’s just better technology! Super Therm® has proven to last up to 30 years and beyond!
See the Super Therm® test results here
Traditional v NEW
20th Century Insulation: CREATE HEAT LOAD. “R” value – load heat and then try to resist heat transfer through the material.
21st Century Protection : BLOCK HEAT LOAD. Prevent heat load into the surface to reduce heat that is available for transfer…Super Therm®.
Super Therm® is a water-based ceramic solar heat block coating (like heat reflective paint but with the BTU and infra red blocking ceramics), developed in conjunction with ceramic engineers from Marshall Space Center (NASA). Heavily tested, the coating contains proprietary ceramics, resins, and a urethane that counteract the four methods of heat transfer: radiation; conduction; convection; and infrared. Super Therm® is a true performance coating with insulating results.

Key Features and Benefits of Super Therm®

- Blocks 95% of Heat Load (blocks the absorption and transfer of heat)
- 99% of Ultra Violet Radiation (UV)
- 92% of Visual Light (Short Wave Radiation)
- 99.5% of Infra Red (Long Wave Radiation)
- Blocks Water and Moisture Penetration – certified and tested water barrier
- Safe and non-toxic
- Is Environmentally Friendly water based and Energy Star rated
- Prevents Mould and Mildew
- Blocks 68% of All Sound Waves – sound deadening
- Blocks Flame Spread and Smoke – Class “A” Fire Rating (“0” Flame Spread and Smoke – tested by NASA and Australian laboratories)
- Emissivity (0.91) moisture block and air block to hold convective heat inside a room
The ceramics provide insulating effectiveness through uniformity, the resins provide flexibility, durability, and heat-resistance, and the urethane acts as a moisture barrier (along with being UV-resistant). This combination results in a coating that can reflect heat and fire, and withstand the elements for a number of decades.
There is no limit to the application possibilities for Super Therm®. It can be used on metal roof structures such as warehouses, packing sheds, mobile homes, livestock sheds and grain bins; oil tanks; refrigeration units etc. Super Therm® can help reduce ambient temperature by as much as 40°. This translates into reduced heating and cooling needs, reduced loss of animal and plant life, greater protection for storage contents, and increased life expectancy for the structure itself.