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Super Therm®; Environmentally Friendly Thermal Heat Block Coating

Super Therm® is truly a timely, Energy Star and environmentally-friendly solar heat block coating that addresses both stopping heat and fire protection with minimal effort in application labor, making it ideal for a wider market use. The uses for Super Therm® are numerous and only limited by one’s imagination.

Net Zero Emissions Target Super Therm® Energy Reducing Coating logo

Air conditioning is costing Australia more than $1.3 billion over the summer months, according to new research. Buildings consume 39% of all energy in the economy.

  • 96.1% total solar reflectance
  • VOC rating 67 grams/litre – Low
  • Blocks 99.5% of BTU – No Heat Load
  • Non toxic and no offgassing
  • Water based and water soluble
  • Reduced demands on KW and power by 20-50% USEA tested
  • Over 20 year lifespan (slight reduction of efficiency over time)

  • Safe for rainwater catchment
  • Can be used around food preparation facilities
  • Prevents mould and mildew
  • No fire spread
  • EPA (US) endorsed
  • Outstanding benefits for business and residential
  • Helps companies reach ISO 14000 standards

Super Therm® Insulation Coating ©NEOtech Coatings Australia

KW reduction = Actual Dollars in Your Pocket
39% reduction in utility costs

Did you know a 6° reduction in the thermostat produces a 39% reduction in utility costs. Con Edison

Super Therm® has proven itself by the thousands of successful worldwide applications since 1989. In today’s environmentally focused climate Super Therm® solar heat block ceramic coating has proven to be the only truly sustainable and successful solution extensively tested!

With the rising cost of energy being one of the biggest concerns for businesses today, traditional bulk insulation such as fibreglass or rock wool which work on a resistance factor to slow the penetration of heat. The downside is that they retain heat and over time loose insulation value when moisture is present. Super Therm® reflects 95% of the heat and it doesn’t lose any value when moisture is present or it’s dirty.

How Super Therm® Works…Stop the Infrared Heat stops the Heat Load

Super Therm® Reduces the Urban Heat Island effect

Super Therm® Saves Fuel, Money and Freight in Trucks and Reefers

Super Therm® provides outstanding Agricultural heat protection

Department of Energy

Super Therm® Green Certifications and Qualifications

US Green Building Council LEED CertificationPDF

LEED PROGRAM (Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design)
Green Building Rating System. Points offered for the use of SUPER THERM® in each of the following categories:

  1. LEED for New Construction – Possible 16 points
  2. LEED for Commercial Interiors – Possible 16 points
  3. LEED for Homes – Possible 20 points
  4. LEED for Neighbourhood Development – Possible 16 points

Points come from the following criteria:

  • Temperature Reduction
  • Containment of biohazards- Lead-based paints and asbestos.
  • Environment improvements for humans and animals.
  • Reduction of harmful environmental properties

With SUPER THERM® credits on:

  • Credits for Heat Island Reduction
  • On site renewable energy 12% 
  • Optimize Use of the IAQ Compliant Products
  • Temperature & Ventilation
  • Thermal Comfort: Compliance
  • Low Environmental Impact Pest Management Policy
  • Operations and Maintenance

Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect: Non Roof and 7.2 Heat Island Effect: Roof. Coatings under VOC of 250 grams/litre for pitched and flat roofing. Under architectural interior wall paint (1 point) as well as roofing (1 point). SUPER THERM® is 67 grams/litre.

SUPER THERM® approved testing for:

  • ASTM E 903 reflectance and ASTM C 1371 emittance. SRI (Solar Reflectance Index – 105) required minimum percentage of 0.83 (SUPER THERM® EMITTANCE IS 0.91 – 0.85 which far exceeds the LEED requirement).
  • Tested at ASTM E1269 and thermal diffusivity to block 99% of all UV and Infrared heat. SUPER THERM® temperatures were tested at 23°C, 50°C, 75°C and 100°C with consistent, high performing results.

MBDC Cradle to Crade Certification PDF

  • “Gold Certificate” awarded to SUPER THERM® 

US Department of Agriculture

  • Safe for food handling areas

Energy Star Rating

  • New Roof Reflectivity:
  • (2006) Initial Solar Reflectance 80%; Solar Reflectance after 3 Years: 79%


  • (2009) Initial Solar Reflectance 83%; Solar Reflectance after 3 Years: 75%
  • (2023) Initial Solar Reflectance 80%; Solar Reflectance after 3 Years: 75%; SRI 105; 3 years: 93 – pdf

Fire Certification

3 International reflectivity and infrared Tests

Note: We undertook because SRI isn’t a good standard or lack of adequate ASTM testing of Infrared include:

Energy Star Rating

Super Therm® is Energy Star qualified as a 20 year roof coating. The reality is Super Therm® prevents heat load entering a building. This means that air conditioners don’t need to work as hard to keep the internal environment cooler. This means the less energy consumption is a major cost saving in power bills.

Super Therm® is used successfully around the world to manage heat load and energy consumption. Here’s some cost saving examples from around the world along with other case studies in Japan. See how Energy Star defines Cool Roofs.

Energy Star defined benefits of cool roofs?

Cool roofs have several benefits for both for building owners and the environment.

  • Keeping buildings cooler on hot days to improve indoor comfort and safety
  • Reducing building air conditioning costs and reducing the strain on the electrical grid during peak energy demands
  • Reducing the pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with building energy use
  • Decreasing roof temperature which can extend the life of the roof materials (slows degradation)
  • Contributing to lower temperatures in the surrounding air which helps reduce the urban heat island effect in cities. EPA has detailed information on how cool roofs can help communities reduce heat island impacts and risks at

Please note where energy savings are displayed this may vary with different locations and conditions.

Better for the environment – EPA Approved

The big initiative towards reducing the demands on energy consumption and fossil fuels means that Super Therm® demands a reduction on energy consumption as well as pollution from the energy generation and global warming. Australia is pushing towards Zero

By using the advanced technologies of NEOtech Coatings and Super Therm® to cover your roof or walls means that business cover much more of their costs. The coating will provide solar heat block, corrosion control, toxic material encapsulation and chemically resistant coatings for many applications and not landfill.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency – USA) has recognised the environmental benefits of cool roofs for reducing energy consumption and resulting pollution from energy consumption.

Insulate oil and gas storage tanks to prevent heat build-up and evaporation. In the US, the EPA has found that 25% of our air pollution is generated from gas fume emission. Also, the present epoxy coatings being used to coat these tanks will only last approximately 4-5 years before cracking and peeling; the labor cost and precautions involved are expensive.

California Cool Roof Program

Super Therm®, unique properties, especially its ability to keep surfaces cool even in extreme temperatures, enabled the coating to pass muster in the California “COOL ROOF” engineering research program with the highest marks.

Results from the COOL ROOF program:

  • Ultraviolet radiation (UV) = 99.5% blocked
  • Infrared radiation (IR) = 95.5% blocked
  • Visible radiation (VIS) = 92.2% blocked

Eco-Friendly Solar Heat Block Solution

Energy Star Ratings

Super Therm Comparison Chart

Super Therm® is Energy Star qualified as a 20 year roof coating.

In the USA, about $40 billion annually to air condition buildings – sixth of all electricity generated in the country.

  • Energy Star qualified roof products reflect more of the sun’s rays. This can lower roof surface temperature by up to 37.7°c, decreasing the amount of heat transferred into a building.
  • Energy Star qualified roof products can help reduce the amount of air conditioning needed in buildings, and can reduce peak cooling demand by 10-15 percent.
  • Although there are inherent benefits in the use of reflective roofing, before selecting a roofing product based on expected energy reduction consumers should explore the expected calculated results that can be found at “Roof Savings Calculator“.
  • Please remember the energy reduction that can be achieved with reflective roofing is highly dependent on facility design, insulation used, climatic conditions, building location, and building envelope efficiency.

Visit Energy Star website (Roofing) (USA)

Cool Roofing: LEED and Metal Roofing

Products and coatings can help buildings meet program requirements

Metal roofs have long been popular with architects for their dramatic appearance and long-term performance characteristics, particularly their low maintenance costs and durability. With the concept of sustainability now being widely embraced by the architectural community, metal roofs are being seen in a new light.

Metal roofing can contribute significantly to the sustainable building movement. Their high recycled content, total recyclability and energy efficiency allow “cool metal roofs” to qualify for points in the Energy Star and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System programs. More

Super Therm® Insulation Coating ©NEOtech Illustration

KW Reduction from Super Therm® = Actual Dollar in Your Pocket

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